— domestic manufacturer of active pharmaceutical substances
High-precision modern equipment

Quality control system

Professional Team

Более 18 лет на рынке


Years in the pharmaceutical market




Production area and laboratories


Registered APIs

About company

“Acticomp” – a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the development and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) using the latest technologies and equipment. The company was established in 2006 in St. Petersburg by a group of specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals.

Acticomp combines its efforts with many leading Russian and foreign pharmaceutical companies in order to provide people with locally produced medicines in various fields of medicine (cardiological, antiviral, antibiotics).

ACTICOMP’s team work is based on flexibility, competence, experience and rigorous standards of quality. Both ACTICOMP and pharma form the life-long work of the people who found this company.

Our principles


We are always open to the cooperation and joint activities with the customers in the field of working out technologies and processes in order to reduce it to the level of the industrial output.


We are ready to provide:
— The required number of API for the pre-control procedure;
— The full set of documents, which is necessary for the rapid amending regulatory documents.


Our work is closely connected with the life and health of people, so we implement the principle of decency without exception, by which we mean integrity, transparency and reliability.


We embrace new ideas, designs, proposals and we are focused on development, leading to the promotion of quality of our production.

  • Philosophy

    We strive to improve the standard of living of population of our country by supplying production with high-quality components for medications.

    We strive to improve the economy of Russia by producing active pharmaceutical substances at the level of the best European manufacturers. Acticomp supplies Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers with the accessible materials with guaranteed quality.

    We strive to improve the quality of life of the company's staff which is its main value. We provide our employees with decent jobs, salary and social guarantees so they can work with the full dedication and confidence in the future.

Our partners


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