
4 February 2016

"By the Editorial Fireplace" with Alexander Semenov

In February, as part of the column "By the Editorial Fireplace," the guest of the editorial staff was Alexander Semenov, president and co-owner of the company "Active Component." In a conversation with the editor-in-chief of "FV" German Inozemtsev and columnist Oksana Baranova, he told how the company's development strategy is changing in the new conditions, and what trends prevail today in the pharmaceutical market.

00:52 What key events for the company can you highlight over the past year?

04:43 What is your assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of import substitution in the field of production of pharmaceutical substances and finished dosage forms?

06:48 Recently, we have been increasingly talking about import substitution as a full production cycle, including substances. Have you felt a change in emphasis?

11:03 How do you assess the current situation on the market of domestic pharmaceutical substance manufacturers? What should we focus on now?

13:38 In your opinion, how can we strike a balance between the production of substances for national security purposes and economic gain?

15:48 At the end of last year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade developed several mechanisms for subsidizing manufacturers of pharmaceutical substances. Which of them are of most interest to companies?

22:46 Is the signing of a contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade currently holding up the bank’s decision?

23:45 "Active Component" is a real example of a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the area of ​​subsidizing leasing payments. Are there any companies that have also applied for such a subsidy?

25:36 What goals and priorities do you set for the company for the coming year? The editorial board thanks the restaurant "Limonchino" on Profsoyuznaya St., 33 for providing the venue.

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